Appel d’offre 2019

The Federative Action (Action Fédérative = AF) of OBSPM on « ALMA-NOEMA » is offering (limited)
financial support for collaborations, participation in schools or conferences, etc. held in 2019
aimed at training in or exploiting these powerful submm instruments, their synergies with other wavelengths,
and enhancing the visibility of the OBSPM expertise in this area.
The applications for AF funding and evaluation must be sent at the latest for February 4th, 2019
Examples eligible for funding by our AF include:
– collaborative visits on ALMA-NOEMA-Herschel projects and proposal preparation
– presentations of ALMA-NOEMA-Herschel data at conferences and workshops

– organization of 1 day workshops at OP on ALMA-NOEMA-Herschel science exploitation and synergies with other instruments / wavelength ranges

The applications for funding should not exceed 1 page and include:
– Name, Laboratory, status (student, postdoc, permanent), supervisor if any
– Place, date, and title of event
– for schools, workshops, etc: short description of motivation (and supervisor approval for students)
– Precise justification of funding asked (e.g. registration fee, transport, lodging, coffee breaks..)
– indication of alternative/complementary funding

– brief summary of the use of 2018 funding from our AF and resulting publications (if applicable)

NEW rules on eligibility for complementary funding from Conseil Scientifique (CS) of OBSPM :

– Travels related to the themes of an existing Action Federatrice are no longer eligible to funding by the CS « Programme Blanc »

– A minor fraction of the « CS Blanc » annual budget may be, exceptionally, allocated to research projects relevant to the themes of Actions Fedératrices;
they should first be submitted to the call of the relevant AF; the scientific evaluation from the AF will be sent to the CS.
– Organization (LOC, SOC) of conferences related to the theme of an Actions Fedératrice remain eligible to funding by the call « CS Colloques »; they should
first be submitted to the call of the relevant AF; the scientific evaluation from the AF will be sent to the CS.
NB: To receive announcements on our other AF activities such as training on proposal preparation, data reduction on the DIO Johannes machine,
ALMA data-mining, and data modeling tools on the PADC, please register to our mailing list (If not yet the case)
by sending an email to: with subject : subscribe action.alma-noema-herschel 
< Please feel free to circulate the following announcement to new PhDs or postdocs recently arrived in your teams ! >
On behalf of the bureau of AF-ALMA NOEMA Herschel